Sunday, June 26, 2011

I'm not krazy... I'm just going through changes!

As I've alluded to in my other post, it's been a journey to get to this point in my walk with God. By no means do I declare to be perfect. In fact, I recently learned that there is a fine line between being "an inspiration to others" and "judgmental." I aim to be used by God but not come across critical - but sometimes that's difficult if I come off in a way that's perceived as offensive to my recipient OR if people aren't open to receiving what I'm sharing. By God's grace and mercy, I'm being perfected through the test, trials, circumstances, and situations that I find myself in.

That being said, I frequently reminisce on the time when my best friend was starting to feel compelled to establish a better relationship w/ God. When she was making moves... I was totally like, "Dude... what are you doing?" "Why are you doing that?" She even heard the occasional... "That's stupid." I thank God that my negative words didn't stifle her journey.  But then... those same tugs started pulling on my heart. All of a sudden it clicked!

Kierra Sheard has a song called "One." The song's chorus says this:
"One - way to get to where He is;
 One - only one life to give;
 So I'm do what I gotta do so I can be counted"

What clicked to me was that there's only one way to get to where I'm trying to go at the end of this life and there's only one way that I can live my life to get there. So, like my BFF, I started to surrender my life to God's will and plan for my life. To some, that may seem crazy... but it's not. I still have an AWESOME life! I probably laugh more now than I ever have. However, my tastes have changed... I don't desire the same things that I used to. Now, I live with the focus that want my actions to please God. This doesn't mean that I don't slip up and do things that I regret from time-to-time. Facebook is a prime example... I blab how I'm feeling and then feel convicted about my word choice later. But I'm slowly getting better at this... and I've got a long way to go!

These new desires have, in turn, impacted the type of man that I want. When someone would ask me my criteria for dating, I would say "I want someone who goes to church"... and then rattle off the rest of my 36 page list. But that's changed. These days, I want someone who thinks the same way I do on the above topics - has a sincere relationship with God, who's compelled to walk out the plan God has for his life, loves his family, has a fun and energetic personality but at the same time and can be as chilled and relaxed as I am. Although we're supposed to pray without ceasing... that doesn't mean you're supposed to be a bump on a log!!! LOL

I hope this song challenges you to be your best self through a relationship with Christ! Here's my jam of the week! One... by Kierra Sheard. Lata Gatas!

Paul's Ponderings: Being Single

I found this blog from a GUY!! This guy just got married... but I find it refreshing to see men who understand the process of being single and the purpose of single-dom!!! this assures me that the man God has for me is out there and we'll have similar views on what this period has meant in our live in preparation for a wonderful marriage!! Enjoy Paul's Ponderings!

Paul's Ponderings: Being Single: "Marriage is sacred. The writer of the book of Hebrews wrote, 'Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefile..."

Monday, June 20, 2011

Chasing after you...........

Check out this awesome song! It truly sums up my heart.......

He and I.........

Getting to this blog has been an interesting, yet entertaining, journey! I've spent the last two years of my life single. Now, sometimes this notion is quite disturbing... other times I see it as a positive moment for me to sit back, watch God work, and enjoy my sassy single life! LOL

How did I get here???? Well... that's interesting too! After graduating from grad school, I moved back home to Houston and decided that I was going to let somethings go....... Let go of my snappy sailor mouth, let go of an ex-boyfriend whom I thought had marriage potential, and most importantly... let go of myself.

I finally decided that I was gonna surrender myself to whatever God had in store for me. That wasn't an easy decision... but I don't regret it one bit!! God has proven himself faithful and a source of strength in my weak, human moments. So......... in these two years, I've moved to a new city, met lots of great home-girls, an I've encountered some not-so-intriguing men along the way! The ONLY thing I've figured out in these two years is that 1) God is doing something awesome in my life, 2) He has a very special man just for me, and 3) If the guy wasn't so amazing... I wouldn't be on this long journey to get him!

So... what you can expect to read on my blog is my common sense, Christian journey through dating! While I'm waiting on the man God has for me, I've decided to spend the time I would consider "date night" with God instead of sulking about how lonely this time in my life could be. While I'm waiting for God to introduce me to my new boo, I'm taking as much time as I possibly can to get to know the true Lover of My Soul... Jesus Christ in a deeper, more intimate way!

Don't get it twisted... I LOVE MY LIFE and it's very exciting! Hop on board... cuz this will be a fascinating adventure! I hope this page blesses you as much as this journey will definitely bless me!